What We Do

  • We connect schools, communities, workplaces, sports clubs, and families onto a single holistic platform
  • Our wearables service automatically captures your activity data at school, work, at play and at home.
  • Using our Artificial Intelligence (AI) service developed in partnership with Ulster University, we can analyse your personal activity data against the Canadian 24-Hour Movement Guidelines for children and adults to create personalised interventions and nudges to encourage the adoption of new healthy habits.
  • Our platform also promotes and underpins the UK Government’s activity target of achieving 60 minutes of daily activity.

How It Works

Who Do We Work With?

An image of the organisations that Healthy Habits work with

Demonstrate Impact Through:

Outcome Based Accountability


Enabling organisations to show the difference they make.

How much did you do?

The platform allows you to easily record activities and attendance.

How well did you do?

Easily gather data on the quality of your programme or service, from quick rating options to the recording of feedback.


We capture high quality data which is analysed by the latest AI technology to demonstrate the impact of your work to Stakeholders & Funders.

Fancy A Chat?

We tailor our product to your individual needs. Let's chat and determine your plans for your personal health and wellbeing journey with us.

Let's Chat


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